Posts by Vangie Vargas, LCSW
How to Improve Kids’ Sleep Hygiene

Do your children have trouble falling or staying asleep? Do your kids feel sleepy during the day? It doesn’t matter your age—if you don’t get enough quality sleep, you are more likely to feel tired as you go about your day. That’s why it’s important to practice good sleep hygiene. “Sleep hygiene” refers to good sleep habits. Parents should aim to establish healthy sleep habits for their children, especially since children require additional sleep for their growth and development. Healthy, quality sleep is important for your children’s physical and mental health; in can improve their mood, productivity, and alertness. Don’t worry—just like eating well, being active, and doing homework, good sleep habits can become part of your routine. Here are some tips to help your children feel more restful, agreeable, and ready to confront the many challenges of the day…

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Vangie Vargas, LCSW
Tips for a Better Morning Routine

No one likes starting his or her family’s day on the wrong foot. After a morning gone terribly wrong, all parents will feel a pang of guilt over leaving their child upset at school or day care. It’s understandably difficult when nobody in your house is a morning person and there’s never enough time to prepare ahead the night before. Are you tired of your stress level going through the roof? There are ways to make the morning routine more manageable—and maybe even stress-free. Here are some tips to make mornings smoother for the entire family…

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Vangie Vargas, LCSW
Volunteering as a Family

Volunteering is a gift to yourself, to your family, and to others. It’s a great way to engage with your community and practice your mindfulness skills. It’s also quite a fulfilling experience for everyone, no matter your age or background. Have you ever considered volunteering as a family activity? It may not be your typical weekend or summer activity, but it can be a fun and rewarding experience for the entire family. What are the benefits of volunteering as a family? Let’s find out…

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Vangie Vargas, LCSW
The Importance of Playing with your Child

How often do you play with your child? Do you make enough time to be silly and creative with your kids? If you haven’t been doing so lately, don’t worry—you’re not alone. Play time between parents and their children has decreased in recent years. As parents, we’re so busy with work, getting our kids to school and to activities, and running errands, among other things, that there sometimes isn’t enough time in a day to play. Though it may seem silly, playing with your child has many benefits. Let’s explore the importance of play and how you can engage with your child more often…

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Vangie Vargas, LCSW